Intrumin nimissä huijaustekstiviestejä ja huijaussivustoja

Liikkeellä on Intrumin nimissä lähettyjä huijaussähköposteja, jotka on suunnattu yrityksille. Viestit ovat sisältäneet kehotuksen ottaa yhteyttä tai -päätteisiin sähköpostiosoitteisiin maksamattomasta laskusta. Kyseisiin sähköpostiviesteihin ei kannata vastata ja viestin voi poistaa aiheettomana. Huomioithan, että huijausviestejä voi tulla myös muunlaisista sähköpostiosoitteista, jotka vaikuttavat samankaltaisilta Intrumin osoitteiden kanssa. Jos epäilet Intrumin nimissä saamaasi tekstiviestiä, sähköpostia tai puhelua huijaukseksi, ota yhteyttä Intrumin asiakaspalveluun. Jos olet antanut huijausviestin yhteydessä henkilötietojasi väärälle taholle tai kirjautunut huijaussivustolle, ilmoita asiasta välittömästi pankillesi ja poliisille.


The law obliges collection agencies

The signing of the cooperation agreement and the continuation of the contractual relationship with the debt collection agency require identification of the client in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering Act (Act on Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing). On this page, we explain in more detail what it means.

Suomi | Svenska

Debt collection agencies are obliged to identify their clients

The operations of debt collection agencies are subject to licensing and regulated by several different laws, such as Debt Collection Act, Credit Information Act, Data Protection Act and Anti-Money Laundering Act. Debt Collection, Credit Information and Data Protection Act are related to the content and production of services, while Anti-Money Laundering Act is related to the prevention of criminal activities in connection with the cooperation with the debt collection agency.

Anti-Money Laundering Act requires that we identify all our clients who are principals in debt collection, so that we can make sure that money cannot be transferred through Intrum to criminal activities or financing terrorism. The obligation to identify includes the obligation to know the client company's business and the obligation to identify the representative who works in debt collection cooperation on behalf of the client company.

Instructions for identification

Fill in the identification form in the Visman Signom service
The identification form is filled out in the Signom electronic signature service provided by Intrum's partner Visma Consulting.
To fill out the form, you need online banking credentials
Identification information is required from a person who has the right to represent the company officially. Only personal online banking credentials will work. IDs issued by the company cannot be used for this identification.
You can also identify yourself with a power of attorney
If you do not have signature rights for the company you represent, you can prove your right of representation with a power of attorney, which is uploaded to the service when you sign the identification form.

Are you already Intrum’s client?

Are you making a contract with Intrum?